GATE Civil Engineering Subjectwise Weightage | Download PDF

Want to know the easy and high scoring subjects ? Download APSEd Analysis of subjectwise weightage of GATE Civil Engineering
APSEd has analysed the exam pattern of GATE over the last 3-4 years. Keep in mind, GATE pattern changes over the years. Ten year old question paper analysis are no longer relevant.
Aptitude section continues to be the easiest and high scoring section. One is expected to score all 15 marks to get a high rank in GATE
The weightage of Engineering maths has reduced over the years from 15 marks to about 11 marks now. Still, most of the questions in answerable and easy to grab the marks.
Geotechnical Engineering, Transportation and Surveying subjects constitute about 15 marks each. Concentrate on them, they are scoring ones!
Structural subjects put together constitute about 20 marks. So, it’s never a good idea to leave these subjects!
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