Which are the best books to refer for GATE ES (Environmental Science and Engineering), a new paper introduced in GATE 2021? Let us see them chapter by chapter; The books are picked out by experts of APSEd which will help you complete the syllabus of GATE ES and help you get a good score.
From the model paper given by GATE, the subject weightage for GATE ES is distributed throughout the GATE ES syllabus.
Excluding General Aptitude, and Mathematical Foundation, following are the subjects in Environmental Science.
Environmental Chemistry
Environmental Microbiology
Water Resources and Environmental Hydraulics
Water & Wastewater Treatment and Management
Air and Noise Pollution
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
Global and Regional Environmental Issues
Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
Here is a compilation of best reference books for every subject.
List of Best Reference Books for GATE Environmental Science and Engineering
Environmental Chemistry
Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry by Manahan, S.E.,
Chemistry for Environmental Engineering by Swayer, C.N., McCarty, C.N. and Parkin, G.F.
Environmental Microbiology
Environmental Microbiology, 2nd Ed by Maier, R.M., Pepper, I.L., Gerba C.P.
Brock Biology of Microorganisms by Michael T. Madigan, John M. Martinko
Water Resources
Engineering Hydrology by K. Subramanya
Environmental Hydraulics
Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications by John Cimbala and Yunus Cengel
Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics by Modi and Seth
Fox and McDonald's Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Philip J. Pritchard
Water & Wastewater Treatment and Management
Water Supply Engineering by SK Garg
Waste Water Engineering by Metcalf and Eddy
Air and Noise Pollution
Environmental Pollution Control Engineering by C.S.Rao
Flagan, R.C., and Seinfeld, J.H., Fundamentals of Air Pollution Engineering
N. de Nevers, Air Pollution Control Engineering
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management
Sewage Waste Disposal and Air Pollution Engineering by SK Garg
Solid Waste Management: Principles and Practice by Diganta Bhusan Das and Ramesha Chandrappa
Global and Regional Environmental Issues
Internet Sources, Standard Environmental Science books and IS codes
Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
Principles of Environmental Science by Cunningham W.P. and Cunningham M.A.,
Internet Sources, Standard Environmental Science books and IS codes
Prepare for GATE Environmental Science
Here are the most asked for resources to help you get started
➤ Benefits of attempting GATE ES ➤ Syllabus and Sample Paper ➤ GATE ES Subject Weightage ➤ APSEd GATE ES Course
If you are looking to give GATE ES, you can make use of APSEd Course for GATE ES. The course is LIVE with a huge discount of 70% now. Subscribe here for Environmental Science Course.
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