ESE/IES General Studies | Syllabus, Tips and Strategies
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ESE General Studies is of 40% weightage in Prelims Exam. What is it all about? How to prepare for this vast syllabus ?
Stage I of ESE is a preliminary examination of two papers: General Studies (200 marks) and Technical Paper (300 marks). One has to plan and prepare for general studies as well apart from the technical paper.
Syllabus for IES/ESE General Studies
Current issues of national and international importance and relevance relating to social, economic and industrial development.
Engineering Aptitude covering Logical reasoning and Analytical ability
Engineering Mathematics and Numerical Analysis
General Principles of Design, Drawing, Importance of Safety
Standards and Quality practices in production, construction, maintenance and services
Basics of Energy and Environment: Conservation, environmental pollution and degradation, Climate Change, Environmental impact assessment
Basics of Project Management
Basics of Material Science and Engineering
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) based tools and their applications in Engineering such as networking, e-governance and technology-based education.
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Tips and Strategies
Generally speaking from the last year patterns, questions are of two types.
1. General understanding of topics
For example, they ask questions like - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is aimed to help ________.
If you have understood EIA, this question can be answered easily.
2. Specific questions/ terms
For example, they ask questions like - The ‘Minamata Tragedy’ was caused by the eating of fish growing in the Minamata Bay contaminated with _________.
This kind of questions needs extra reading after understanding the topics.
It is very difficult to attempt all questions accurately. The good point is that this will
be the case with everyone.
Your aim should be read and understand the basics first - you should be able to answer the easy/ direct questions which everyone will answer.
Then based on time availability you can go for extra reading as much as possible if you have finished technical subjects.
APSEd ESE General Studies Package
Generally speaking from the last year patterns, questions are of two types.
1. General understanding of topics
For example, they ask questions like - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is aimed to help ________.
If you have understood EIA, this question can be answered easily.
2. Specific questions/ terms
For example, they ask questions like - The ‘Minamata Tragedy’ was caused by the eating of fish growing in the Minamata Bay contaminated with _________.
This kind of questions needs extra reading after understanding the topics.
Our study package for ESE General Studies is designed as per this latest question pattern.